MSc/PhD student studying within-host evolution

University of Calgary
Calgary, AB, Canada
Job Type:
  • Graduate Position
Degree Level Required:
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MSc/PhD student studying within-host evolution

An MSc/PhD position is available in Dr. Quan Long’s group in Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Calgary. This graduate student will focus on characterization of within-host (or within-tissue) evolution using next generation sequencing data by developing novel statistical models and computational tools. We have developed a tool that can reconstruct haplotypes from bulk sequencing, building up a unique recourse to study the selection within a host or tissue.


The models and tools will be applied to real data that are provided by various collaborators. Currently, the targeted application fields include HIV and metagenomics based on our collaboration with the Southern Alberta HIV Clinic and the Western Canadian Microbiome Center at the University of Calgary, respectively. More application fields may be developed based on the research interests of the successful candidate and the supervisor.


Upon graduation, the candidate will become an expert in population genetics, statistics, computer programming and machine learning. To start, the candidate needs to be familiar with at least one of the above techniques and is motivated to learn the others. Candidates in various backgrounds, including but not limited to biology, mathematics, physics, engineering, or computer science are welcome.

Additional Information

To apply, please send your CV to Dr. Quan Long (

More information regard this research group can be found at his websites below.

Quan Long, PhD
Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics, University of Calgary,
Cumming School of Medicine Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept. of Medical Genetics,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics (Adjunct) Member,
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute O’Brien Institute for Public Health
3330 Hospital Drive NW Room 1173, Health Sciences Centre
Calgary, AB
T2N 4N1
P: 403-220-5580 | F: 403-210-9538
