Pathway and Network Analysis of -omics Data
Course Objectives
The CBW has developed a 2.5-day course covering the bioinformatics concepts and tools available for interpreting a gene list using pathway and network information. The workshop focuses on the principles and concepts required for analyzing and conducting pathway and network analysis on a gene list from any organism, although focus will be on human and model eukaryotic organisms.
Specifically, we will focus on:
- getting more information about a gene list;
- discovering what pathways are enriched in a gene list (and using it for hypothesis generation);
- finding out how a set of genes is connected by e.g. protein interactions and identifying pathways, systems and modules within this network;
- predicting gene function and extending a gene list;
- identifying master regulators, such as transcription factors, active in the experiment.
We will develop a unified analysis flow chart throughout the course that students will be able to follow after the workshop to conduct their own analysis.
Course Material
Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
Instructor(s): Gary Bader
Module 2 - Finding Over-represented Pathways in Gene Lists
Instructor(s): Quaid Morris, Veronique Voisin
Module 3 - Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
Module 4 - More depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
Instructor(s): Lincoln Stein, Robin Haw
Module 5 - Gene Function Prediction
Instructor(s): Quaid Morris, Veronique Voisin
Module 6 - Regulatory Network Analysis
Instructor(s): Michael Hoffman, Veronique Voisin